Today marks the 9th Year Anniversary of a game that has given most of us here so many fond memories. It's been almost a decade of my life that I have played, and it really is like a time capsule for me. I started WoW going into middle school, and here I am in my third year of college still being so totally fond of this game. I've made so many great friends who have given me helpful life advice, bared with my sick sense of humor on Ventrilo during raids, and have just been amazing people that made up a delightful community of gamers that I will never forget.

Being a GM during Wrath was one of my fondest memories. We were a guild of over 300 members with an impressive amount of active members that was recognized on our server. It was such a good experience to lead raids and to gain the satisfaction of downing bosses all as a part of our own independent guild. I will always miss those days. Being a GM of a busy guild will teach one a lot of vital lessons and open one to insight they otherwise wouldn't see. I'm glad I got to have that experience.

Seeing this game dwindle over the recent past has been sad. It's the flame to my candle of adolescence that finally seems to be burning out, nearing the end of the wick. I hope that Blizzard can transform this game into something lively with the next expansion, not just to save the game, but the memories of so many that have had similar experiences to mine, and to give young gamers the same experience. Hate it or love it, World of Warcraft is a game that will be imprinted in your brain when having played it long enough. While society may mock it as being a computer game that triggers addiction, it's so much more. It's a different realm that opens one to a timeless world where all you have to worry about is completing the next quest, downing the next boss, or getting that rare mount you always wanted.
Spend the rest of the day to show appreciation to this beautiful masterpiece. Blizz, although I may have been frustrated with you at times, I love you for giving me a game that will always bring a smile to my face and take me back in time. Thank you.
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