Sitting down with a nice cup of tea, typing up my MMORPG ideas. Once it's complete (and that's not for a longgggggg time), I'll be hoping to send it in somewhere for feedback and what not. Throughout this whole process, it's really got me thinking...On the average, what do players expect in an MMO? What are the components that really make an MMO feel ripe, and approachable?
Being a female, I have to admit that I probably take time to focus on too many aesthetic components of a game. I like being able to choose. I like variety. I like a lot of cosmetic, aesthetic aspects. I sometimes wonder how the male perspective varies. I ask at least one of you to please enlighten me as to what you think makes an MMORPG great. Regardless of gender, I think we can all agree on one pretty obvious fact: We all want a game that feels real. A game that can take us away from our reality, and place us in another one.
As for what I think makes an MMO great, I think it's absolutely vital to focus on graphics, customization, fluidity of online gameplay, music scores, and of course, story-line.
I am currently in the process of extracting components I enjoy from certain MMO's and games in general. I am also analyzing what I DON'T enjoy about these games. A pretty vanilla thing, but it's actually very useful.
The biggest complaint I have about GW2 would be about the leveling. I love how the leveling curve is not as dramatic as other MMO's, but I HATE how you have to go to different starting zones just to get the experience needed in order to catch up to your main quest line. Even when you aren't focusing on your main quest line, it is difficult to milk out the experience needed to move onto a new zone, without traveling to another race's starting zone. This problem vanishes completely towards the higher levels, but still. It can be a real PIA.
Anyways, I can sit here and talk for days, but I'll take it in increments. Hope you all have an amazing holiday. I cannot wait. Santa is getting me something for X-Box and I have no idea what it is! What are ya'll getting? Asking for any good games?!